Liturgical Press Statement on the Ministry of Fr. James Martin, SJ

In These Times and Always

โ€œWe are many parts but one Body in Christ. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share their joyโ€ย (1 Cor 12:12, 26).

Over the course of the past few weeks, and especially the past days,ย Give Us This Dayย and Liturgical Press have listened to the outpouring of gratitude for the life and work of Father James Martin, SJ. [Martin is an editorial advisor forย Give Us This Day,ย for which writes the “Teach Us To Pray” column. – ed.]ย We are privileged to share in Father Martinโ€™s unfailing commitment to proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. Through our work with Father Martin, a priest in good standing, we have seen firsthand what Bishop Robert W. McElroy describes in aย September 18ย Americaย essay:

โ€œFatherย James Martinย is a distinguished Jesuit author who has spent his life building bridges within the Catholic Church and between the church and the wider world. He has been particularly effective in bringing the Gospel message to the millennial generation. When we survey the vast gulf that exists between young adults and the church in the United States, it is clear that there could be no more compelling missionary outreach for the future of Catholicism than the terrain that Father Martin has passionately and eloquently pursued over the past two decades. There are few evangelizers who have engaged that terrain with more heart and skill and devotion.โ€

In recent weeks, as our readers share similar sentiments about Father Martinโ€™s ministry, they also express the grief and sorrow many of us feel as a result of the very few but vocal and pernicious attacks not just on Father Martinโ€™s work but on his very being. There is sinful irony in the fact that these attacks grew out of Father Martinโ€™s bookย Building a Bridge:ย How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity.ย There is further sinful irony in that the attacks are not grounded in fact. Inย Building a Bridgeย and in all his work, Father Martin stands on the solid ground of Scripture, Catholic Social Teaching, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Without question, Father Martinโ€™s heart is rooted and grounded in the love and mercy of Christ.

When a friend and coworker in the vineyard of God is treated with an utter lack of charity, respect, and justice, we might be tempted to respond in kind. That is not the Christian way.

In these times and always, as a Benedictine publishing house, we seek in all things toย listen to Christ with the ear of our heartย (from the Prologue to the Rule of Benedict). We strive to listen to others in charity, to engage in civil and charitable dialogueย – to welcome each person as Christ becauseย each person is Christย (RB 53:1). May we never lose sight of Christ in the other. โ€œAnd finally,โ€ as St. Benedict teaches, โ€œmay we never lose hope in Godโ€™s mercyโ€ (RB 4:74).

Other Voices







2 responses to “Liturgical Press Statement on the Ministry of Fr. James Martin, SJ”

  1. Dru Freed

    Father Martin is a true man of integrity, shame on the many who do not read the
    entire statement and also ask themselves
    “What would Jesus do?”

    1. Norman Borelli

      Agreed. The attacks against him have been appalling and scandalous.

      May God bless him for his work and ministry.

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