Category: Episcopal/Anglican Liturgy

  • Liturgy / Ecology Webinar

    Liturgy / Ecology Webinar

    TIMOTHY BRUNK — See how parishes are addressing climate change in their liturgies.

  • Canterbury Cathedral to hold alcoholic ‘rave in the nave’

    Canterbury Cathedral to hold alcoholic ‘rave in the nave’

    JAMES HADLEY, OblSB — The Church of England is becoming notorious for holding secular events in the country’s cathedrals in the name of Christian outreach – often times without a sense of boundaries giving offense to dedicated Christians whose presence and stewardship make possible the life of the church….

  • Book Review: Vocātiō: Imaging a Visible Church

    Book Review: Vocātiō: Imaging a Visible Church

    Doyle imagines clergy allowed out of the parish structure as we have known it for over a thousand years, out of a two-tiered, that is clergy-lay institutional church structure.

  • Pray Tell’s Teresa Berger interviews two colleagues about the upcoming Coronation

    Since I work, at the Yale Institute of Sacred Music, with two scholars who have real expertise related to the liturgical and musical aspects of the upcoming Coronation (and are both British, too), I sat down with them for a conversation about the liturgy and music to be expected on May 6th. Oh, and I…

  • The Beginning of Lent: An Anglican Muddle

    The Beginning of Lent: An Anglican Muddle

    I know this post is looking a bit backwards in time because it is focused on Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, but it seems by the First Sunday in Lent it’s time to move on to all the other questions circling around the season which seem more pertinent and urgent, and so it…

  • Make Disciples (not liturgical ministers?)

    Make Disciples (not liturgical ministers?)

    What does this have to do with liturgists and liturgical musicians? When I look back at a lot of parish ministry, I remember so little of my work as a music and liturgy director was about formation. It was mostly about recruiting people.

  • An Analogue to Traditionis Custodes in the Episcopal Church

    An Analogue to Traditionis Custodes in the Episcopal Church

    Fourteen months out from Pope Francis’ Moto Proprio, Traditionis Custodes, the Catholic world continues to discuss, debate, opine, and wonder. The question of more than one authorized rite is one that is not unique to the Latin Catholic Church. It is also happens to be a live question in the church where I serve as…

  • Anglicans practice communion

    Anglicans practice communion

    Anglicans have been in the news a lot lately, between the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in the US (July 8-11), the first Lambeth Conference since 2008 which just concluded (officially 26 July to 8 August), and news from other provinces caught in the midst of wars, ecological disasters, or internal politics. For the…

  • Brief Book Review: Crowning the Year

    Brief Book Review: Crowning the Year

    “An invaluable resource for anyone who wants to engage the liturgical life a rural parish for all its worth.”